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New Harvest Turmeric

Sweet, floral, buttery flavor and brilliant yellow-orange color.

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Why Burlap & Barrel?

  • Single origin spices sourced directly from small farms
  • Over 10,000 5-star reviews
  • Guaranteed to wow you or we'll replace

Our exceptionally sweet, floral New Harvest Turmeric is grown organically on a farm in southern India by Dr. Salunkhe, an expert farmer specializing in sustainable agricultural techniques. Its high curcumin content (4%) makes it ideal for both culinary and nutritional uses, and it's perfect for both sweet and savory applications, in curries and other dishes, as well as in turmeric teas and lattes. Add it to sauces, stews, salad dressings and baked goods for bright color, depth of flavor and wellness.

Our turmeric is free of lead, testing below the detectable threshold of 0.1 parts per million (ppm). It has been tested in an internationally accredited food safety testing lab. Please contact us for more details on our testing procedures for turmeric and other spices. 

"Their turmeric made me feel like I’d never really tasted turmeric before."
"The difference in flavor is mind-blowing, like drinking Stumptown after a lifetime of gas-station coffee."



Satara, India





Tasting notes:

Melted Butter • Jasmine Flower • Honey


Ground turmeric (Curcuma longa)

non gmo clear
non irradiated clear
no preservatives clear
Salt Free

Cooking tips

  • Blend into a chicken or vegetable soup
  • Mix into sweet or savory doughs for a vibrant color and earthy flavor 
  • Sprinkle into rice dishes 
  • Use as a marinade for fish, tofu or other light proteins



Sourcing image

Our turmeric is grown organically, hand-harvested, cleaned, steamed, sun-dried and ground fresh. It's irrigated primarily using rainwater, which helps reduce the farm's water consumption, while the water-saving techniques intensify the turmeric's flavor.

Our partner farm allows the turmeric to go through a curing process in the soil before harvesting. The skin tightens and turns glossy, and the flavor concentrates and sweetens. This turmeric is particularly sweet. We don't know exactly why; maybe it's because it grows alongside (and is crop-rotated with) sugarcane. But we think this curing step also helps avoid the bitter, chalky off-flavors in low-quality turmeric and makes our New Harvest Turmeric so sweet and buttery.

To grind his turmeric into powder, our partner farmer drives 2 hours each way by tractor. There are other grinding facilities closer to home, but they have smaller, less-effective motors and use metal grinding mechanisms, which heat the turmeric and shed microscopic metal fragments as they grind. He prefers the more powerful motor and the stone grinder at this facility to make an especially fine, soft turmeric powder, and the stone grinding plates help keep the turmeric from heating up through the friction of the grinding process. Since it's a shared facility in an area with lots of non-organic turmeric farms, he scrubs down the grinder AND discards the first ~100lbs of his turmeric to prevent any contamination from pesticides or other chemical residues in his final product. The care he takes at every step of the process is one of the reasons his turmeric is so exceptional. We're so proud to work with him.

Meet the Farmer: Our turmeric is grown by Dr. Salunkhe, a naturopathic and Ayurvedic doctor, a doctor of pharmacology, a disciplined Yogi, a community leader and a passionate organic agriculture advocate. About 15 years ago, he realized that the connections between poor health and nutrition extended all the way back to farming practices, and he decided to focus his scientific expertise on agriculture. He is deeply, overwhelmingly passionate about his farm and his crops.

Recently, we got to visit his farm, where he told us that his neighbors have laughed at him and dismissed his insistence on organic methods and regenerative techniques for years, but that since we've been buying his turmeric (at almost 10x the going price for commodity turmeric), they've started to change their minds. The fact that we made the long trip to visit the farm and meet him in person was especially meaningful, both for him personally but also for his campaign to show his neighbors the value of organic farming.

how do we compare? Supermarket Icon Supermarket Fair Trade Icon Fair Trade
Heirloom Spices Yes No No
Fair Prices for Farmers Yes No Depends on global commodity price
Time in Storage None. We import spices at harvest Up to 10 years At least 1 year
Flavor Profile Intense & fresh Stale & bland Inconsistent
Knows Farmers Names Yes No Unlikely
Customer Service Fast responses from real people! No There might be a 1-800 number?