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Anatolian Sage

Whole sage leaves, earthy and rich, perfect for meat, potatoes and braises.

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Our Anatolian Sage is grown in a small town in northern Turkey, along the Black Sea. These beautiful, delicate leaves boast a rich flavor that adds backbone and depth to long-cooked stews, gravies and roasted or grilled meats. Try infusing it in butter or oil to drizzle over roasted sweet potatoes!



Gerze, Turkey



Tasting notes:

Pine Woods • Eucalyptus • Bite


Sage (Salvia triloba)

non gmo clear
non irradiated clear
no preservatives clear
Salt Free

Cooking tips

  • Crush a few leaves into a cream-based sauce as it cooks
  • Slide into a braise or roast for long cooking
  • Roast with sweet potatoes tossed in melted butter


Sourcing image

Our Anatolian Sage is grown produced in Gerze, a district of Sinop province in the Black Sea region of Turkey.

There are many species of sage, and this one is rich in cineole (eucalyptol) and low in camphor, which gives it its beautifully balanced classic sage flavor.

This sage is planted in February and March and harvested from August until October. After harvest, it is hung in bundles to air-dry, then carefully pulled off the stems.

how do we compare? Supermarket Icon Supermarket Fair Trade Icon Fair Trade
Heirloom Spices Yes No No
Fair Prices for Farmers Yes No Depends on global commodity price
Time in Storage None. We import spices at harvest Up to 10 years At least 1 year
Flavor Profile Intense & fresh Stale & bland Inconsistent
Knows Farmers Names Yes No Unlikely
Customer Service Fast responses from real people! No There might be a 1-800 number?