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Al Baraka Nigella Seeds

Jet-black and nutty, perfect addition to breads.

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Our Al Baraka Nigella Seeds are grown by a family of farmers in Fayoum, an ancient agricultural community in central Egypt. Nigella (a member of the buttercup family) has been used for flavor and health for all of recorded history. Perfect for baking and cheesemaking, nigella adds a savory, roasty flavor and aroma. Sprinkle on breads and savory pastries, grind for spice blends or make a paste like tahini.

The Arabic name of nigella seeds is Habat Al Baraka (Al Baraka means "blessed" and "habat" means seed).



Fayoum, Egypt





Tasting notes:

Charred Onion • Tahini • Brick Oven


Organically grown black nigella seed (Nigella sativa)

non gmo clear
non irradiated clear
no preservatives clear
Salt Free

Cooking tips

  • Lightly toast them to release essential oils and throw them whole into curries, soups or sauces
  • Sprinkle on top of breads or pastries, or incorporate them in bread doughs and batters for added flavor and crunchy texture
  • Add them to pickles, relishes, or chutneys


Nigella sativa seeds were said to have been found in King Tut’s tomb and have been used for thousands of years as a preservative, spice, and medicine. Our nigella seeds are sourced from an organic farm in central Egypt, where ancient canal systems divert the Nile’s waters to irrigate the fields. The seeds are harvested from capsules inside the Nigella sativa (an herbaceous annual flowering plant) when they bloom in the summer, and are then sun-dried.

We connected with the farmers through our partnership with Zaid of Norwich Meadows Farm. Every year, Zaid works with a crew of highly skilled Egyptian farmers who come to his farm in upstate New York to grow organic vegetables using a specific system of high tunnels and intercropping. The vegetables that Zaid grows with this group of farmers are stunning, and these same farmers have their own farms in Egypt, where they grow ancient varietals of desert-adapted spices that rely on seasonal flooding from the Nile River as the primary source of water. Their farms produce this and our other Egyptian spices.

how do we compare? Supermarket Icon Supermarket Fair Trade Icon Fair Trade
Heirloom Spices Yes No No
Fair Prices for Farmers Yes No Depends on global commodity price
Time in Storage None. We import spices at harvest Up to 10 years At least 1 year
Flavor Profile Intense & fresh Stale & bland Inconsistent
Knows Farmers Names Yes No Unlikely
Customer Service Fast responses from real people! No There might be a 1-800 number?