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East Carolina BBQ Sauce

Savory, vinegar-forward BBQ sauce for pork and more, made in collaboration with Lindera Farms.

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East Carolina BBQ Sauce is a zesty, savory, vinegar-y BBQ sauce that's perfection over chopped pork (or really any kind of pork!). It also makes a great dressing or sauce base, and is super versatile. This is a loose sauce, made in the tradition of Eastern North Carolina barbecue sauces, which are used to "mop" or baste over meat and vegetables as they cook.

This BBQ sauce is made in collaboration with Lindera Farms. They slowly infuse their hickory, heirloom pepper, honey and cider vinegars with foraged wild rose petals and lots of our single origin spices: hibiscus, black peppercorns, cinnamon, garlic, onion, tomato powder and purple dulse. The sauce marinates for several days before it's blended, strained and bottled up.



Delaplane, Virginia


Vinegars are infused with herbs and spices, marinated, then strained.

Heat index: Mild


Assorted heirloom peppers, tomatoes, onion, cinnamon, garlic, hibiscus, apples, wild roses, purple dulse, salt, black peppercorns, honey, hickory

Nutritional Facts: East Carolina BBQ Sauce

Cooking tips

  • Drizzle over pork or chicken
  • Whisk into dressings and sauces
  • Serve as a dip with veggies



Lindera Farms takes locally and sustainably sourced agricultural products of pristine quality and ferments them into wines, which they then age into vinegar. This makes for a robust, versatile vinegar with chefs, bartenders, home cooks and health conscious individuals in mind.

Their vinegar-making process is painstakingly hands-on, often starting with foraged ingredients, and the effort and care is evident when you taste this exceptional BBQ sauce.

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how do we compare? Supermarket Icon Supermarket Fair Trade Icon Fair Trade
Heirloom Spices Yes No No
Fair Prices for Farmers Yes No Depends on global commodity price
Time in Storage None. We import spices at harvest Up to 10 years At least 1 year
Flavor Profile Intense & fresh Stale & bland Inconsistent
Knows Farmers Names Yes No Unlikely
Customer Service Fast responses from real people! No There might be a 1-800 number?